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NHS Pay Rise 2024: What You Need to Know

By Sarah Mitchell

Updated on:


NHS workers received a welcome Pay Rise in 2024, and with the year rapidly approaching, many are looking ahead. This article breaks down the latest NHS pay rise, its implementation, and what we can expect for 2024’s increase.

NHS Pay Rise 2024

The 2023 NHS Pay Increase: A Closer Look

In July 2023, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) announced a significant pay rise for NHS staff under the Agenda for Change (AfC) pay system. Here’s what it included:

  • A consolidated pay uplift of at least 6% for all staff bands, backdated to 1 April 2023.
  • An additional £1,250 lump sum for junior doctors.
  • A consolidated pay uplift of at least 6% for SAS doctors, NHS consultants, salaried dentists, and salaried GPs.

This increase came after intense negotiations between the government and NHS unions, who tirelessly advocated for fair compensation amidst the cost of living crisis and staff shortages.

NHS Pay Bands and 2023 Uplifts

Pay Band2023 Pay Uplift
Band 16.0%
Band 26.0%
Band 36.0%
Band 46.0%
Band 56.0%
Band 66.0%
Band 76.0%
Band 86.0%
Band 96.0%
Band 106.0%
SAS doctors6.0%
NHS consultants6.0%
Salaried dentists6.0%
Salaried GPs6.0%

Junior doctors: 6.0% consolidated pay uplift | £1,250 lump sum

Key Details About the 2023 Pay Rise

  • Implementation: June 2023, with backdated pay for April and May.
  • Cost: Estimated £7 billion for the NHS.
  • Government Message: Recognition of NHS staff’s hard work and dedication.
  • Union Response: Welcomed but stressed the need for long-term solutions to staff pay issues.

What to Expect for the 2024 NHS Pay Increase

While details are not yet finalized, here’s what we know about the 2024 NHS pay rise:

  • Government Commitment: The government has pledged to ensure NHS staff receive a fair pay rise in 2024.
  • NHS Pay Review Body (PRB): The PRB is considering recommendations for the 2024 increase.
  • Timeline: The PRB is expected to make its recommendations in early 2024, with the government’s final decision in spring 2024.

Important Dates for the 2024 NHS Pay Rise

Early 2024NHS Pay Review Body (PRB) makes recommendations.
Spring 2024Government announces the 2024 pay rise.
Summer 2024Implementation of the 2024 pay rise.

Understanding the Factors Affecting the 2024 Pay Rise

  • Financial Pressures: The government faces financial limitations, potentially impacting the 2024 increase.
  • Inflation: Unions are advocating for a pay rise that aligns with inflation to support living costs.
  • Staff Shortages: Addressing recruitment and retention are key concerns for the 2024 pay discussions.


After a challenging year, the 2023 NHS pay rise was a positive step for hard-working staff. While the 2024 increase remains uncertain, the government and unions will continue discussions to support those who keep the NHS running. It’s crucial to advocate for fair pay and acknowledge NHS workers’ unwavering dedication.

Who is eligible for the NHS pay rise?

All NHS staff covered by the Agenda for Change (AfC) pay system.

When will the 2024 pay rise be paid?

Expected implementation in the summer of 2024.

Sarah Mitchell is an accomplished finance expert with deep knowledge in corporate finance and strategic investment planning. With over 15 years in the finance industry, Sarah is a trusted resource for insights on market dynamics and economic forecasting. Education: Bachelor’s Degree: B.A. in Finance from Stanford University (2002-2006) Master’s Degree:…

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